Tuesday, January 1, 2013

CIC visits Ramsis College for Girls

Canadian International College (CIC) is always keen on organizing its annual CIC for a day event, but this time CIC team  went to Ramsis College for girls (RCG) and had a motivational session presented by CICian Mahmoud Yacoub – an all time swimming champion – on setting goals and how to be determined to achieve them.

They also had an orientation session about CIC and its programs and schools along with the opportunities to study in Canada.

CIC offers a dual bachelor degree in a number of programs that allows students to earn a Bachelor Degree from CIC in Cairo and a Bachelor Degree from Cape Breton University or University of Ottawa in Canada. 



1 comment:

  1. Spend a half hour studying your most challenging subject at night right before going to bed. This should be light studying, like flashcards or re-reading notes. Studying right before bed helps the information stay in your mind. This works best when you are relaxed, so keep to light studying.
