Sunday, June 10, 2012

The 4th Annual Mass Communication Festival in CIC

Within the framework of celebrations of the Canadian International College, the 4th annual festival was held to celebrate and display student projects on Thursday, June 7th, 2012. This year exclusively is considered as a main event which is the graduation of the first mass communication cohort and presenting the graduation projects in front of different public figures and media experts.

The alumni organized this festival to make it a memory that will be remembered in the CIC’s history, the festival was held in Ottawa Hall and hosted many public figures, journalists and professors; from the important media experts who attended the festival, Mr.Yosri Fouda – the great journalist, Mr. Khaled El shakra – Advertising Director, Mr. Sayed Abu al-Yazid – Deputy Chief Editor of the Gomhorya Newspaper, Mr. Khaled Shabana - President of Nile Comedy Channel.  CIC was also honored to host Mr. Samir Farag - Head of the cinema, and Mrs.Mona Nashaat – Chief Editor of Horyaty Magazine.

Eng. Magdy ElKady, Chairman of the CIC, honored the graduates and the best projects . The team of the public relations and advertising who made the project (awareness campaign "Ya Masr Oomy" and the advertising campaign "Sinalco") won the first place according to all majors. 
As for PR and advertising; the project (awareness campaign "Akhdar Shafaf" & Advertising campaign "Eleven") won the first place, and at the level of Radio & Television; the two films "a new beginning" and "Adomya" won equally the first place. Mr. Samir Farag stated that there will be a signing cooperation protocol between the Union of Professional Film and Mass Communication department. 

CIC always motivate students to participate in various activities and interact in all the important events inside and outside the College.

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